Sr. Gabriel Eulogized as “Woman of Prayer, Respectful to Civic Duties, Served Selflessly”

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
As members of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna (FSSA) congregation mourn their first African Superior Sr. Gabriel Mary Juma who was laid to rest on Monday, August 22, at their mother house cemetery in Lwak, Kisumu Archdiocese, mourners eulogized the late nun as a prayerful woman who served selflessly and understood what was expected of her as a Kenyan citizen.
During the funeral mass that was attended by Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba of Kisumu Archdiocese, Archbishop Emeritus Zacchaeus Okoth, Bishop John Oballa Owaa of Ngong Diocese and Bishop Michael Otieno Odiwa of Kenya’s Homa Bay Diocese, the prelates appreciated the courage of Sr. Gabriel who braved the odds and became one of the first five African Sisters to join the Dutch nuns with the intent of serving God’s people.
Describing the late sister as “a grace and a gift to the institute of FSSA and the entire Church,” the main celebrant Archbishop Muhatia condoles with members of the congregation sharing that “in the midst of sadness, sorrow and loss, the Lord invites us to proclaim the good news of resurrection.”
He consoled the congregation and all mourners referencing Christ when he cried on the cross “My God My God why have you forsaken me,” saying, “This cry of our Lord summarizes our tears at the death of Sr. Gabriel… it summarizes our price in the presence of death and it gives us power to be like him.”
In his homily, the Prelate urged the Religious women to join the words of Jesus Christ “to the feelings and emotions” experienced in the departure of Sr. Gabriel and be encouraged with Christ’s words that “when I am raised up, I will draw all men and women to myself.”
“I attest to the fact that Sr. Gabriel was a prayerful woman. If there is a badge a Religious wears that defines her witness is being immersed in prayer,” Bishop Oballa who worked together with the late nun as board members of St. Gabriel minor seminary in Kisumu said as he eulogized the former FSSA superior, adding that Sister could consistently insist on “teaching the students how to pray besides the normal classes.”
The Bishop of Ngong who is also the chairman for Catholic Justice and Peace Department (CJPD) at the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) acknowledged that the late Sr. Gabriel paid attention to matters of politics and encouraged others to be keen on issues for the country.
“She understood that being a Religious does not absolve anybody from her or his civic duties, and that voting is sacred since matter of politics influence policies that can affect the Church,” the Bishop narrated highlighting that the Church can be affected in areas like family, education and human dignity among others.
According to Archbishop Emeritus Okoth who disclosed their closeness with mother Gabriel when it came to consultation in leadership, the nun was “brave to be the first African superior taking over from Dutch Sisters.”
“I thank the sisters for accepting the leadership of Sr. Gabriel. I thank her for increasing the vocation and now we have many sisters witnessing the Gospel in our parishes and institutions,” he said.

Sr. gabriel Juma Okango
First African Superior of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Anna (FSSA)
On her part the successor of the late nun and the current Superior General of FSSA, Sr. Mary Benigna Aoko “Sr. Gabriel was a mentor and advisor.”
“I have lost a person who has nurtured my growth from the time I joined Religious life to date,” Sr. Benigna mourned and eulogized the former superior further, “She could challenge me and advise me on the do’s and don’ts.”
She appreciated what the late nun did for the congregation in her leadership and released her to be with her creator.
One of the late Sister’s groupmate Sr. Anne Owuor, noted that Sr. Gabriel encouraged cooperation with the clergy, strengthened respect and cordial relationship with them and other religious groups especially within the Archdiocese of Kisumu.
Agabby as she was fondly referred to by her peers, “accommodated all who approached her whether in her office, outside on the lawns or in the streets,” Sr. Anne narrated in an earlier interview before the burial adding that the late nun, was a good listener and advisor who touched the hearts of many especially young sisters.”
“You nurtured all your sisters, whether senior, junior, old or young. All had their share in building FSSA Institute,” Sr. Anne disclosed while addressing the late Sr. Gabriel and concluded, “Thank you for teaching us to appreciate each other at all levels of formation.”
One of the mourners Dr. James Odhiambo Oduke a lecturer at Maseno University Eulogized the late Sr. Gabriel who also headed a school for the virtually impaired (St. Oda School) “as an outstanding pious Religious who deliberately reduced her greatness to simplicity.”
“We mourn and celebrate a sister who was strict, simple and straight forward in serious and sensitive situations, the Lecturer in the Department of French and Other Foreign Languages shared with mourners his eulogy and continued, “we mourn and celebrate the culinary skills of a sister who appreciated music and news in the radio.”
Sr. Gabriel died on August 10, at the age of 76.
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